Support Groups - NAMI
NAMI Connection is a support group for people with mental health conditions. Groups meet weekly, every other week or monthly, depending on location. Many support groups are virtual and attendance is open to everyone across the country. This program is also available in Spanish, NAMI Conexión.
Find Your Local NAMI | NAMI
Many NAMI affiliates offer an array of free support and education programs. Contact your NAMI Affiliate to find out what types of programs and supports they offer. To find the NAMI closest to you click on a state on the map or enter your ZIP code below.
NAMI Family Support Group
NAMI’s support groups are unique because they follow a structured model, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to be heard and to get what they need. Free of cost to participants; Designed for adult loved ones of people with mental health conditions; Led by family members of people with mental health conditions
NAMI Mental Health | Online Virtual Support Groups
If you have questions about joining one of our online mental health support groups, call (847) 716-2252 / email us: admin@namiccns.org Please leave us a message with your questions and we will respond as soon as possible.
NAMI Orange County
NAMI Orange County conducts educational programs, meetings and support groups throughout the entire county addressing every aspect of mental health. Browse through our web site to learn more about our many free programs, educational meetings, support groups and advocacy we provide for those families and clients dealing with the affects of ...
NAMI Omaha
Board meetings are open to the public. Join the thousands of Americans dedicated to improving the lives of people with mental illness. There are two ways to join NAMI's membership, online or by mail. To join by mail, print and complete the NAMI application form and mail it to:
Home - NAMI Support Groups
Meeting monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month. NAMI Tallahassee’s Young Adult Support Group is a peer-led support group for young adults (ages 18-25) who want to work on their mental wellness. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences.
Support Group Schedule | Nami North Texas
Welcome to our page for Family Support and Connection Recovery. Un grupo de apoyo para familiares de personas que experimentan problemas de salud mental. A support group for individuals struggling with all types of mental health challenges. 2nd & 4th Saturdays @ 1:30 - 3:00 PM. First United Methodist Church. 1200 East YellowJacket Ln.
Support Groups | NAMI Washington
Information on classes and support groups explained can be found on the nami.org website (link below). Our online support group meetings are hosted on a Zoom platform and are HIPAA compliant. Information given for registration for support groups is only seen by NAMI staff, no personal details or emails are used for solicitations.
Home - NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness
Nov 18, 2013 · The NAMI Metro Dearborn Support Group Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness.