Arrow #523 - Lian Yu (Episode) - Comic Vine
May 24, 2017 · Lian Yu last edited by KillerZ on 09/14/23 03:21AM View full history The battle between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra) culminates in a final epic battle on Lian Yu.
Eddie Fyers (Character) - Comic Vine
Creation . Edward Fyers was created by Mike Grell, first appearing in Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters #3.He is stated to be 5'8" at 140 lbs. Eddie and Green Arrow Eddie Fyers. Eddie Fyers began ...
CW: League of Assassins vs Team Lian Yu - Comic Vine
Apr 24, 2016 · Lian Yu team pretty easy, they have gear and they know the terrain which is a huge advantage in Lian Yu. They also outnumber and outgun them(4 range weapon vs 2).
Could you survive 5 years in Lian Yu? - Comic Vine
Jun 7, 2017 · You replace CW Oliver queen.Same settingsWho would you rather to hang out and train with?Shado or Slade?If you choose Shado i want to know your best p
Lian Harper (Character) - Comic Vine
Lian is a very headstrong and knowledgeable little girl despite her young age. She is very attached to her extended family of "aunts" and "uncles", especially those in the Titans and the Arrow family.
Green Arrow, Captain America, Spartan vs. Deathstroke ... - Comic …
All are CW and MCU VersionsR1- Street clothes H2H, takes place on the shore of Lian Yu, Slade doesn’t get mirakuruR2- Standard Suits with melee gear t
CW Team Green Arrow (Lian Yu) vs MCU Captain America
May 25, 2017 · Team Green Arrow: Green Arrow, Deathstroke, Nyssa al Ghul, Malcolm MerlynTeam Green Arrow replaces Team Iron Man at the airport battle in Civil War.St
CW Yao Fei Respect Thread - Comic Vine
Short intro to the characterYao Fei was the father of Mei and the late Shado, and was one of the former mentors (in fact the first) and good friend o
MCU Daredevil & Elektra vs CW Yao Fei & Billy Wintergreen
Mar 21, 2018 · Round 1: Daredevil & ElektraRound 2: Daredevil & StickRules:No prep, Daredevil has Red suit & Batons. Elektra is pre Black Sky & only
Roy Harper (Character) - Comic Vine
Roy was surprised to find out he is a father. Cheshire gave Lian to Roy to hold and said that he has to get his head on straight so the three can form a coherent family. She also revealed that ...