Welcome to the Leaf Pack Network - Leaf Pack Network
The Leaf Pack Network® is an international network of teachers, students, and citizen monitors investigating their local stream ecosystems. Following instructions in the Leaf Pack Network Manual, monitors use tree leaves and aquatic insects to determine the health of their stream and understand its ecology.
Linking Trees to Streams - Leaf Pack Network
In natural and artificial leaf packs, after a few weeks of submersion, the leaves become slimy with the colonization of fungus and bacteria and, in time, are colonized by macroinvertebrates. Leaf packs provide important habitat for macroinvertebrates in healthy streams.
About - Leaf Pack Network
Welcome to the Leaf Pack Network, an international network of people investigating their local stream ecosystems. Leaf Pack Network is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
Equipment - Leaf Pack Network
Leaf Pack Network Program Materials List. The Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit contains everything you need to perform a leaf pack project with a group. Use the following lists if you choose to purchase materials independently of the kit or if you need to replenish your kit materials.
Linking the Leaf Pack Network to Stream Ecology
The Leaf Pack Network® is designed to enhance understanding of stream ecosystems and to demonstrate the importance of streamside forests. Historically streams, and the life in those streams, evolved and developed under forested conditions.
Prepare two replicate leaf packs representing each of the three leaf types into the stream (two oak leaf packs, two willow leaf packs and two maple leaf packs) for a total of six leaf packs. Is A Control Leaf Pack Necessary?
leaf packs have layers of leaves, typically trapped against a rock, with stream water fl owing rapidly over them, which keeps the leaves in place. some time and
Resources - Leaf Pack Network
Access the Leaf Pack and Rock Pack manuals, equipment lists, videos, a biotic index calculator and other helpful tools.
News Archive - Leaf Pack Network
Welcome to the Leaf Pack Network, an international network of people investigating their local stream ecosystems. Leaf Pack Network is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
Leaf Pack Network. Find the Leaf Pack Network Manual on this section of the Leaf Pack Network website! Find a safe, accessible stream site with riffles areas that are wadeable. Leaf packs need to be left out in a creek or stream for three to four weeks. You’ll …