Red hack: Pokemon PureRGB (QoL romhack) (Complete
Apr 19, 2023 · Pokemon PureRGB ROM hack with new quality of life features, now available on PokeCommunity.
3rd Gen quicker way to get yur dragonair to evolve into a dragonite
Feb 16, 2007 · 7.If yur dragonair is at lv 30 yur alright,but still give it the exp.share and keep it in second. note:yur dragonair wont evolve into a dragonite until it reaches lv 55. 8.make sure you have lots of hyper or super portions. 9. watch out for fearows fury attack and mirror move.And machops revenge attack it can do some real damage to dragonair.
3rd Gen - Fire Red In-Game Team - The PokéCommunity Forums
Jun 10, 2023 · I chose Blastoise because On a recent playthrough of Leaf Green I used both Charizard and Venusaur plus Blastoise is my second favorite Kanto starter. Blastoise - Great water type and effective on the first gym. Blastoise Ability: Torrent Quiet Nature - Ice Beam (TM13) - Surf (HM03) -...
~ Dragonair and Milotic FC ~ - The PokéCommunity Forums
Jun 5, 2022 · GO DRAGONAIR!!!!!!!!! I dont care much for milotic, but i've always thought it was kinda cool, i'll grow to like it :D. Also, i'd choose dragonair over dragonite anyday, so much more agile and speedy, maybe not as powerful, but it's better to move around and get many shots in than to not move around and get only a few strong hits that may not even hit FC: 0645 2626 …
Dragon/Fairy Type Pokémon, Good Idea or Bad Idea
Oct 3, 2013 · I don't know the type charts by heart these days :D but if anything, I think the Dragonair family should be changed into Dragon/Fairy. Compared to the dragons of the other generations, they look a lot more fairy-like and less vicious.
HeartGold hack: Pokémon Pure Heart & Pokémon True Soul
Jun 3, 2024 · Pokémon Pure Heart and Pokémon True Soul are my ROM hacks of Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver. HeartGold and SoulSilver are by far my favourite and most cherished games in the Pokémon series, and I wanted to make a ROM hack that would elevate these wonderful games into what I'd...
[Completed] Pokémon Gray Topaz - Version 2 Ready!
Sep 12, 2014 · Completed Pokémon Gray Topaz - Version 2 Ready! Started by Rosile September 12th, 2014 12:16 PM 332525 views 271 replies Tools 1 2 3 4
Pokemon Fusion - The PokéCommunity Forums
Apr 1, 2008 · Hack Of : Pokemon Ruby Story~ You have moved to the Mando region because your father works nearby in a gym. After you he moved in you go next doors to meet your friend, but whe you go to the next route you see a meteorite on the ground and a pokemon surrounding it. Since the meteorite had a...
[Completed] Pokémon Gray Topaz - Version 2 Ready!
Sep 12, 2014 · Pokémon Gray Topaz Rated T for swearing, violence, and mentions of death. DOWNLOAD HERE Alternate Link Alternate Link #2 (Warning: Large file. Not recommended on older computers.) Tools: RPG Maker XP Pokémon Essentials v15 Ultimate BW Pack Introduction: This is the first time I've ever...
3rd Gen Cheat Code Devices for Pok?mon FireRed and LeafGreen
Sep 14, 2004 · dragonair trainer 105 Posts 20 Years Age 32 SLEEPING Seen Sep 28, 2006 Sep 23, 2004 #75 can anyone tell me how to hack and alos how to get ar on rom