Spawners, distance - CubeCraft Games
Jul 25, 2020 · At what distance from the spawner stops the spawner from spawning mobs, in vanilla this is 16 blocks, is this the same or is this different in cubecraft... Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net Home
Spawner Functionality - CubeCraft Games
Mar 2, 2020 · The range of the spawners is less than a normal spawner in vanilla minecraft. The range is 2 blocks in each direction (top, bottom and the sides) So you probably placed the spawners too high which was also a problem for me at first. :)
Skyblock - Spawners | CubeCraft Games
Oct 22, 2023 · It turns out that both spawner setups would likely perform the same (Note: I'm assuming here that the spawn radius is 4 blocks away from the spawner [That's how the chicken spawner is in Skyblock at least I think]; I'm also assuming that 2 spawners with their ranges intersecting means double spawn rate in those spots (which should be true, but it's worth …
spawners - CubeCraft Games
Mar 18, 2021 · This is data mined, so I can't guarantee the reliability of this, but the cost to upgrade any spawner is (current level)^2*300 coins and (current level)+5 materials. Which means that the total cost of a spawner is (initial cost)+(current level …
How do I upgrade a spawner?? - CubeCraft Games
Jul 16, 2020 · If you right-click on the spawner, you can see 2 buttons, one is to remove the spawner (on the right) and the other one is to upgrade the spawner. Spoiler: The Options Once you hover over the chicken egg, you should see this:
Mob x spawner level - CubeCraft Games
Nov 18, 2021 · Hi there, I'm wondering: is the spawner level same as the mob level it spawns? Say, a level 5 spawner would spawn a level 5 mob?
Skyblock - Spawners - CubeCraft Games
Feb 27, 2020 · Upgrading spawners is quite expensive. So in addition to giving the player more experiene, maybe the spawners should also be buffed by e.g. -Increasing the spawn rate -Giving more drops -Unlocking special forms of the mob. Also, Tough mobs seem...
advanced spawner functionality - CubeCraft Games
Jan 19, 2021 · Hi, I'm trying to make a spawner drop killer in Bedrock, and I'd love to make a way to access the spawners without being in the firing range of the skeletons and spiders. What are some blocks that you can walk on and can prevent mobs from...
[Documentation] Skyblock Spawners Guide | CubeCraft Games
Mar 18, 2021 · Hello,i did a ton of research and invested like 250k coins into this,i now present you the skyblock spawner guide(pls like if you learned something)(and pls correct me if im wrong about something:D) So starting off,upgrading spawners makes it that the mob they spawn are tougher and gives you more xp,the higher the level the higher the xp,
Skyblock - All Quests - CubeCraft Games
Feb 22, 2020 · - Craft a Crafting Table. Tools Of The Trade - Craft a Wooden Axe. - Craft a Wooden Pickaxe. - Craft a Wooden Spade. - Craft a Wooden Hoe. Reward: 3x Cobblestone Generator Food For Thought - Harvest 30 Beetroot. - Craft 5 Beetroot Soup. Reward: - Water Bucket Lumberjack - Gather 32 Oak Logs Rewards: - 10x Oak Sapling Let There Be Light - …