LIGHT LINE MEDICAL™, INC., has developed a proprietary, patented PhotoDisinfection System that uses visible light (not harmful UV light) to prevent and treat catheter-associated infections, including those caused by antibiotic resistant-pathogens.
Jun 19, 2014 — Provide a path to infuse or withdraw critical medical treatments to specific organ, vascular or lymphatic systems. Infections limit the use of catheters. By reducing infections, Light Line’s visible light technology improves patient outcomes and reduces overall treatment costs.
The patented Light Line PhotoDisinfection System uses 405 nanometer visible light (light that the human eye can see) to safely and effectively kill the pathogens that cause catheter infections without harming surrounding tissue or catheter components.
Light Line Medical is destined to change the way the world prevents catheter-based infections. Its impact will be monumental and with 23 issued patents and 16 pending applications, it will own the visible light space.
Light Line Medical, Inc. Delivers Breakthrough PhotoDisinfec on Technology ™ Presenta on at The New York Venture Summit. Light Line Medical, Inc. recently became one of 200 companies worldwide to earn a coveted presenta on slot at the 23rd annual New York Venture Summit. The Summit accepts presenters who
Light Line's patented System delivers visible light to a fiber optic inside an off-the-shelf catheter. The light uniformly irradiates the internal and external surfaces of the catheter, disinfecting it and thereby preventing microbial formation on all catheter surfaces, resulting in the safe and effective prevention of CAI.
In the last five years, Light Line Medical has gone from an undergraduate research project to a budding company with a product that upon launch will impact the lives and health of people across the globe in part due to the help of the University of Utah and the PIVOT Center.
one of the primary healthcare-associated infecons worldwide, and occurs in more than a quarter PD paents in the US. Visible 405nm light therapy an aEracve approach to combat PD infecons: wavelength of light kills pathogens the plascs that make up PD catheters majority of medical devices. treatments.