Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
Immaculate Conception Parish. Las Vegas, NM. Bulletin (Most Up to Date Information is found in the Bulletin) Click here for the February 24 - March 2 Bulletin; Click here for the March 3 - 9 Bulletin; On-Line Giving Contributions. Mass Schedule.
Mass Times - Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
On-Line Giving Parish Soft. On Line Giving. On-Line Giving. Sacraments. Baptism. Reconciliation. Eucharist. Confirmation. Holy Orders. Holy Matrimony. Anointing of the Sick. Eucharistic Adoration. Adoration sign up. Faith Formation. Religious Education. Elementary Religious Education. Meadow City Express Bus Service. Flourish Program. Prayer ...
Contact Us - Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
Parish Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM & 1:00 – 4:00 PM Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm Location: 811 6th Street Las Vegas, NM 87701 Phone: (505)425-7791. Fax: (505)425-6991 Email: [email protected] Religious Education Office Phone: (505)454-0685
Bulletin - Immaculate Conception Parish
On-Line Giving Parish Soft. On Line Giving. On-Line Giving. Sacraments. Baptism. Reconciliation. Eucharist. Confirmation. Holy Orders. Holy Matrimony. Anointing of the Sick. Eucharistic Adoration. Adoration sign up. Faith Formation. Religious Education. Elementary Religious Education. Meadow City Express Bus Service. Flourish Program. Prayer ...
Faith Formation - Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
The Immaculate Conception Parish offers various religious education programs to assist in Faith Formation for both children and adults. You can find more detailed information about each of the programs and services offered by clicking on the tabs avaliable on the left.
Catholic Resources - Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
Have you left the Catholic Church? If you answered yes to any of these questions, CatholicsComeHome.org is a wonderful site with lots of resources and information to help you learn more about the Catholic faith and share it with others.
Ministries - Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
As stewards of God-given skills and abilities, volunteering in a ministry or organization provides a way to thank God, share our faith with others, and enhance the life of Immaculate Conception Parish and the community.
Confirmation - Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
"In order that we may have such a concern for Church and neighbor, in deed as well as in feeling, the sacrament of Confirmation gives us a special grace and a special power.
Immaculate Conception Parish Elementary Religious Education …
The Immaculate Conception Parish Elementary Religious Education Program assists in providing a foundation for your child’s relationship with Christ and faith in the Catholic Church as well as preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
Special Events - Immaculate Conception Parish - Las Vegas, NM
On-Line Giving Parish Soft; On Line Giving. On-Line Giving; Sacraments. Baptism; Reconciliation; Eucharist; Confirmation; Holy Orders; Holy Matrimony; Anointing of the Sick; Faith Formation. Religious Education. Elementary Religious Education; Middle School Religious Education; Confirmation Year-1 - High School Religious Education