How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect …
Jan 30, 2024 · The default policy option in this interactive tool is based on the Raise the Wage Act of 2023 (S. 2488), which CBO analyzed in The Budgetary and Economic Effects of S. 2488, the Raise the Wage Act of 2023. Under the default option, the first incremental increase in the minimum wage occurs in July 2024.
JUNE 2013 THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF S. 744, THE BORDER SECURITY, ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, AND IMMIGRATION MODERNIZATION ACT 3 CBO period and would further reduce deficits (relative to the effects reported in the cost estimate) by about $300 billion over the 2024–2033 period.4 How Would the Legislation Affect the Economy? S. 744 would boost …
Effects of the Immigration Surge on the Federal Budget and the …
Jan 18, 2024 · In this report, CBO describes how that 2021–2026 surge in immigration affects its baseline budget and economic projections for the 2024–2034 period. That is, this report looks at the incremental impact of the immigration surge and not at the effects of all people who immigrated in those years or who previously immigrated and were already ...
Economic Effects of Fiscal Policy - Congressional Budget Office
Sep 18, 2020 · Federal tax and spending policies can affect the economy through their impact on federal borrowing, private demand for goods and services, people’s incentives to work and save, and federal investment, as well as through other channels.
economic forecast if those provisions were enacted. The document also describes channels through which short-term spending on child careand preschool could affect the labor market in the longer run and how those policies would interact with existing tax subsidies for child care.
Artificial Intelligence and Its Potential Effects on the Economy and ...
Dec 20, 2024 · Although the impact of AI on the performance of individual businesses or of the economy overall is expected to be positive, the size of that impact varies greatly among studies. 9. The conclusions of current studies about AI’s broad economic impact are preliminary. In those studies, actual outcomes are not observed.
Wildfires - Congressional Budget Office
Jun 16, 2022 · Researchers have also studied the economic impact of smaller fires, such as the 2010 Schultz Fire in Arizona, which burned more than 15,000 acres and was soon followed by heavy rains and damaging floods. 33 That fire cost about $100 million over 10 years, according to researchers’ calculations: $11 million was spent, mostly by the Forest ...
The Effects of Pandemic-Related Legislation on Output
At a Glance In March and April of 2020, four major federal laws were enacted to address the public health emergency and the economic distress created by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. That legislation provides financial support to households, businesses, and state and local governments. In this report, the Congressional Budget Office estimates the legislation’s effects …
Immigration - Congressional Budget Office
Jul 23, 2024 · Immigration increases total economic output, although not necessarily output per person. It also affects the federal budget through the taxes that foreign-born people pay and the government programs in which they participate.
The report also provides the following information about changes in economic behavior underlying those estimates and about CBO’s analytical methods: Effects on employment; Effects on wages of affected workers; Effects on the distribution of family income; Effects on real (inflation-adjusted) output; Effects on prices;