Need advice with Manganese Steel sword care : r/SWORDS - Reddit
Its made of manganese steel with a hardness of 52HRC the website says. The others in my collection are all Carbon steel. "Manganese steel" as used in swords is usually 65Mn, which is basically 1065 with a little more manganese (0.8% to 1.1%, vs 0.6% to 0.9% for 1060; note that the specifications overlap, so 65Mn can be the same thing as 1065).
Should we be limiting manganese intake to prevent neurotoxicity?
Nov 3, 2014 · Manganese in drinking water may be more bioavailable than manganese in food. However, none of the studies measured dietary manganese, so total manganese intake in these cases is unknown. In the U.S., the EPA recommends 0.05 mg/liter as the maximum allowable manganese concentration in drinking water (33).
Project Ozone 3 Manganese : r/feedthebeast - Reddit
Sep 3, 2019 · Crushed Rhodochrosite can be smelted into Manganese Oxide dust which can be smelted into a Manganese Oxide ingot which can be smelted into a Manganese ingot (although you're probably trying to go the other way to get to Manganese Dioxide). Rhodochrosite is dropped as a side product when you mine redstone.
Any1 experience with Manganese? : r/Lyme - Reddit
Nov 21, 2022 · Im realy responsive to traceminerals in a good way (Specifically Copper, Boron and Manganese). Starvation/fasting was one of the worst things i couldve done. I didn't have success with b-vitamins in the past but i came across a few anecdotes where people report Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) only started to work for them after supplementing manganese.
isn't manganese MORE rare than U-glass? : r/uraniumglass - Reddit
Mang is commonly in a lot of purple, blue, green, & clear glass, etc. Manganese has also been used in dishware for a lot longer from what I understand, like through the 90s and onward, whereas most uranium dishwares (like for food specifically) predate the 1940s.
[Blood and Bones] Manganese? Where abouts do we find it
Sep 12, 2014 · Manganese doesn't spawn anywhere in BnB. For Steel you'll have to find an anvil to melt down, make a high oven, or get pig iron from he Nether.
How do I dispose of Manganese Dioxide? : r/chemistry - Reddit
Jun 12, 2018 · solid MnO2 is actually pretty hazardous, breathing the dust causes manganism (Parkinson-like brain damage), it happens to miners working in manganese ore mines, it used to be frequent with workers making AA batteries too. Best way to dispose MnO2 is to wet it and spoon it wet as a paste into a solid waste container, to avoid creating dust.
Where can I find Manganese? : r/EliteDangerous - Reddit
Aug 29, 2016 · The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy.
Why is Manganese Heptoxide so reactive? : r/chemhelp - Reddit
May 29, 2021 · Because when you give Manganese a formal charge of +7, it reeeeeally wants to get some electrons back. Especially since it's a relatively small atom to begin with (top of the d-block). So that makes it a very strong oxidizer, even more than permanganate: MnO4 - being an anion, the oxygen have some extra electron density they can share with the ...
Trying to learn manganese vs uranium identification and could
May 5, 2023 · For example what if manufacturers had to much UG and needed to make a Lead Crystal Mock piece so they use UG clarify it with manganese. -Remember in Antique glass, Lead Crystal was the most valuable and most sought after back then and manganese was used to create a cheaper look alike. Overstocked UG could've totally been used for this purpose.