The IOI is one of five international science olympiads. The primary goal of the IOI is to stimulate interest in informatics (computing science) and information technology. Another important goal is to bring together exceptionally talented pupils from various countries and to have them share scientific and cultural experiences.
Dec 22, 2024 · The IOI is one of five international science olympiads. The primary goal of the IOI is to stimulate interest in informatics (computing science) and information technology. Another important goal is to bring together exceptionally talented pupils from various countries and to have them share scientific and cultural experiences.
The International Olympiad in Informatics Syllabus 1 Version and status information This is the official Syllabus version used for IOI 2024. There have been no changes since the version used at IOI 2023. The most recent changes to this document were made and published in March 2022 and then presented during IOI 2022. A version of this Syllabus
Dec 29, 2024 · The IOI is one of five international science olympiads. The primary goal of the IOI is to stimulate interest in informatics (computing science) and information technology. Another important goal is to bring together exceptionally talented pupils from various countries and to have them share scientific and cultural experiences.
Dec 15, 2024 · The IOI is one of five international science olympiads. The primary goal of the IOI is to stimulate interest in informatics (computing science) and information technology. Another important goal is to bring together exceptionally talented pupils from various countries and to have them share scientific and cultural experiences.
Dec 18, 2024 · The IOI is one of five international science olympiads. The primary goal of the IOI is to stimulate interest in informatics (computing science) and information technology. Another important goal is to bring together exceptionally talented pupils from various countries and to have them share scientific and cultural experiences.
General information. Host: Alexandria, Egypt Offsite competition organized by IOI independently from Egypt was held online; Dates: 01 September 2024 – 08 September 2024; Contestants: 362 (9 offsite contestant(s) denoted by an asterisk); Countries: 91 (3 offsite country(ies) denoted by an asterisk); Official website
Dec 29, 2024 · The 36th International Olympiad in Informatics was held in Alexandria, Egypt in September 2024. There were two competition days, with 3 tasks given to the competitors on each day. You can see the tasks, test cases and solutions below.
S1.1 The International Olympiad in Informatics (as an ongoing event) is an annual international informatics competition for individual contestants from various invited countries, accompanied by social and
• To foster friendly international relationships among computer scientists and informatics educators; • To bring the discipline of informatics to the attention of young people; • To promote the organisation of informatics competitions for students at schools for secondary education;