Buccae | definition of buccae by Medical dictionary
cheek [chēk] 1. the fleshy portion of either side of the face. Called also bucca and mala. 2. any fleshy protuberance resembling the cheek of the face. cleft cheek facial ...
Cheek - Wikipedia
The cheeks (Latin: buccae) constitute the area of the face below the eyes and between the nose and the left or right ear. Buccal means relating to the cheek. In humans , the region is innervated by the buccal nerve .
Cheek - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The Cheeks (buccæ) form the sides of the face, and are continuous in front with the lips. They are composed externally of integument; internally of mucous membrane; and between the two of a muscular stratum, besides a large quantity of fat, areolar tissue, vessels, nerves, and buccal glands.Structure.—The mucous membrane lining the cheek is reflected above and below upon …
Cheeks | Encyclopedia | Anatomy.app | Learn anatomy | 3D ...
The cheeks (Latin: buccae) are described as the area between the eyes and jaws. They shape the human face and are considered a part of the digestive system as muscles within the cheeks participate in digestion, and the soft tissue of the cheeks forms the walls of the oral cavity. The cheeks are complex anatomical structures made of many muscle ...
bucca, buccae [f.] A - Latin is Simple Online Dictionary
Erant illi compti capilli et madentes cincinnorum fimbriae et fluentes purpurissataeque buccae, dignae Capua, sed illa vetere; nam haec quidem quae nunc est splendidissimorum hominum, fortissimorum virorum, o ~ Cicero, In Pisonem
Buccae - definition of buccae by The Free Dictionary
[14] Several organisms in the pharynx may produce [Beta]-lactamase, most notably Staphylococcus aureus, S epidermidis, other coagulase negative staphylococci, Branhamella catarrhalis, Hemophilus influenzae, and anaerobes such as Bacteroides melaninogenicus, B buccalis, B buccae, and B fragilis; Fusobacterium species and actinomycetes.
Bucca | definition of bucca by Medical ... - Medical Dictionary
cheek [chēk] 1. the fleshy portion of either side of the face. Called also bucca and mala. 2. any fleshy protuberance resembling the cheek of the face. cleft cheek facial ...