"I won't take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates," the long shot independent presidential candidate wrote on X.
Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said it paired less funding for diplomatic and development programs with more funding for foreign ...
In a statement released on Friday, the Pentagon called the decision to postpone the exercises "not taken lightly". The ...
CIA Director William Burns says AI tech will augment humans, not replace them. The agency’s first chief technology officer, ...
Wars in space are no longer just science fiction. In fact, Space War I has been raging for more than two years, with no quick ...
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. will remove all its forces and equipment from a small base in Niger this weekend, and fewer than 500 ...
US government says its impossible to get rid of all Huawei telecommunications equipment, officials 'beg' Congress for Chinese ...
House Republicans are off to a quicker, more united start this year when it comes to funding the federal government, passing ...
The U.S. will remove all its forces and equipment from a small base in Niger this weekend and fewer than 500 remaining troops ...
A bill opponent, Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said it paired less funding for diplomatic and development programs with more ...
For the last six years, Milton native Chief Warrant Officer Five Stephanie Wire led all 10 bands from her office at the ...