« Cette catastrophe a affecté tout le monde », indique Said Khanim, mère de cinq enfants, devant sa maison endommagée dans le village de Dara-e Shaikha, dans la province de Ghor, à l'ouest de ...
With tailored support from UNHCR and its partner, blind young women in eastern Afghanistan are gaining the education, skills, and confidence to build a brighter, more independent future.
As the third disrupted school year for children and youth from Ukraine draws to a close, more than 600,000 remain out of school across the European Union, from an estimated 1.4 million school-aged ...
Einen Monat vor Eröffnung der Olympischen Spiele in Paris besuchte die ehemalige Flüchtlings-Olympionikin Sportinitiativen im Kakuma-Flüchtlingscamp.
Devastating extreme weather events and natural disasters are shattering many refugee and other displaced communities worldwide, worsening their plight and in some cases forcing them to move onwards ...
After 28 years in Tanzania's Nyarugusu refugee camp, Ekyamba Alonda, 49, his wife Yohali and ten children, stand on the brink of resettlement to the United States of America, embodying a story of ...
LONDON - With one month to go until the opening of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, former refugee Olympian Yusra Mardini is appealing today to governments, civil society and the sporting world, to ...
Brüssel – UNHCR, das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, begrüßt den Entschluss des Europäischen Rats, den vorübergehenden Schutz für Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine um ein weiteres Jahr zu ...
FC Utrecht-aanvoerder Liza van der Most en voormalig profvoetballer Evgeniy Levchenko zijn de trotse ambassadeurs van de Unity Euro Cup. Levchenko, afkomstig uit Oekraïne, zet zich in om aandacht te ...
Lusaka, Zambia – 22 June 2024 – Mr Raouf Mazou, the Assistant High Commissioner for Operations at UNHCR, has commended Zambia for its steadfast commitment to a progressive model for refugee protection ...