Welke kennis hebben stakeholders in de plastic keten nodig om de circulaire plastictransitie te versnellen tegen 2050? TNO ...
One day, you are a trainee and then suddenly you are a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Officer at TNO. For Mathieu Baas ...
Energiearme huishoudens hebben vaak last van klimaatproblemen in een woning. Nieuw onderzoek van TNO toont aan hoe dit ...
Please apply before the 5th of November 2024 The selection process comprises two interview rounds. We aim to finalize the entire process within four weeks. The selection process may include an online ...
We seek a motivated intern to enhance an algorithm predicting the performance of seals in packaging. Improving packaging seals is crucial for maintaining product integrity and safety, preventing ...
Innovatie op het vlak van gezond leven en werken start bij een goede interdisciplinaire samenwerking. Tussen overheden, bedrijven, zorgpartijen en patiëntenverenigingen bijvoorbeeld. Samen ontwikkelen ...
The Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) - Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) system can be used to determine which elements are present in a sample and in what quantities.
The MTS 311.21 fatigue bench is used for fatigue testing on materials and components. With this bench we can perform tensile tests and fatigue tests with forces up to 350kN. We mainly use this bench ...
Spectrophotometer is used to measure absorption or transmission of light at a specific wavelength in a solution which allows the concentration of a chemical component to be determined using a prepared ...
The Toni Technik hydraulic pressure test machine 5000 kN is an advanced materials testing machine used for carrying out pressure tests on building materials and other materials. This machine is mainly ...
Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (U-HPLC) is an advanced form of liquid chromatography used to separate components in complex mixtures. Identification and quantification of the separated ...
Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (U-HPLC) is an advanced form of liquid chromatography used to separate components in complex mixtures. Identification and quantification of the separated ...