Though scientists predicted an active hurricane season, the swiftness of Beryl’s intensification is surprising.
Pupil size can decrease up to 0.4 millimeters per decade, hinting at why it can be increasingly harder for people to see in dim light as they age.
In a few years, you might be able to 3-D print right in the palm of your hand.
A nova occurs in the constellation Corona Borealis once every 80 years. Its bright light will be visible to the naked eye for up to a week.
A method called enhanced rock weathering shows promise at capturing carbon dioxide from the air. But verifying the carbon removal is a challenge.
Scientists and journalists share a core belief in questioning, observing and verifying to reach the truth. Science News reports on crucial research and discovery across science disciplines. We need ...
When you’re a journalist, potential sources are everywhere, even at a medical appointment. When I had my annual mammogram in May, radiologist Pouneh Razavi said all looked well. Then she said ...
New data hint that dark energy’s density, commonly thought to remain constant, might vary over time, Emily Conover reported in “3-D map hints at dark energy’s secrets” (SN: 5/4/24 & 5/18 ...
Flooding from a similar earthquake today could threaten about 170 million people in India and Bangladesh who live in low-lying regions nearby.
In her memoir, journalist Sadie Dingfelder draws on her own experiences to highlight the astonishing diversity of people’s inner lives.