Actor and director Sean Penn made a documentary film "Superpower", which can be viewed for free on the Paramount+ YouTube ...
The actual volume of grain exports by Ukraine in the 2023/2024 marketing year (July 2023 - June 2024) made 50.826 million ...
В четверг, 4 июля, в Украине ожидается от 6° тепла ночью до 38° днем, в части областей пройдут ...
US President Joe Biden explained his poor performance at the debates with Trump by feeling sick after a series of flights and changing time zones. "It wasn't my best night, but the thing is, I didn't ...
NATO member countries have agreed to allocate EUR 40 billion for military aid to Ukraine next year.A Western European ...
Отруйний павук чорного кольору, що може прокусити шкіру людини. "Чорна вдова" – друга його назва. Отрута каракурта у декілька ...
On the night of July 3, unmanned boats attacked facilities in the port of the russian city of Novorossiysk. This was ...
In the temporarily occupied Mariupol of the Donetsk Region, the transfer of russian troops to the north of Donetsk Region, in ...
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said that former U.S. President Donald Trump should come up with his plan to ...
Активіст і антикорупціонер Віталій Шабунін у школі був визнаний непридатним до служби в армії через родимки на тілі.Про це ...
In Poland, electricity tariffs for the population have been raised to PLN 0.5/kWh (UAH 5.1/kWh). Ya v Polshchi (I am in Poland) writes about this, the Ukrainian News agency reports. Thus, since July 1 ...
У четвер, 4 липня, графіки відключення світла діятимуть впродовж всієї доби. Про це повідомила пресслужба "Укренерго".