A few comings and goings before the Independence Day holiday in the US: → Pfizer has welcomed former State Street Global ...
Sanofi and Regeneron’s Dupixent has notched another indication in the EU, this time for a common lung disease, marking the ...
Flagship Pioneering, the sprawling life sciences investor and startup incubator, appears to be seeking more capital than ...
Transat­lantic biotech Bea­con Ther­a­peu­tics has raised $170 mil­lion to po­ten­tial­ly bring a rare oph­thal­mol­o­gy gene ...
GSK is handing mRNA vaccine partner CureVac €400 million ($429 million) upfront to take over full rights to the influenza and ...
Emer­gent BioSo­lu­tions scored more than $250 mil­lion in gov­ern­ment con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tions for four med­ical ...
Moderna’s long-running patent dispute with Pfizer and BioNTech intensified Tuesday after London’s High Court of Justice ...
Geopolitical tensions and threats of decoupling have led to a steep decline in American companies’ confidence in working with ...
Moderna received a significant boost from the federal government, snagging a $176 million contract to help advance a bird flu ...
Check­point Ther­a­peu­tics is tak­ing a sec­ond shot at ap­proval for its an­ti-PD-L1 can­di­date af­ter the FDA re­ject­ed ...
In a late-stage study, Johnson & Johnson and Legend Biotech's CAR-T therapy Carvykti improved survival in multiple myeloma ...
Samsung Biologics has signed a manufacturing contract worth 1.46 trillion won ($1.06 billion) with an unnamed “large” US ...