Il s’agit d’un ensemble d’usines aux façades de verre et d’acier utilisant à grande échelle le principe du « mur-rideau ». Conçue comme une usine idéale, elle est ouverte sur l’extérieur et l’espace ...
Mary shows you how to make the perfect salmon en croûte. It's a great choice for a buffet table or party when you have lots of mouths to feed. This recipe uses roasted red peppers from a jar and ...
Le dôme nervuré de 23 m est coiffé d’une lanterne d’acier et de verre ... central en el que pueden tomar asiento unas 6.000 personas. Su cúpula nervada tiene 23 metros de altura y está rematada por ...
For the salmon en croute, preheat a large baking tray in the oven. Unroll one pack of pastry and roll a little longer until it is about 2cm/¾in larger all around than the piece of fish (check ...
Two families each rent a summer cottage at Asserbo by the sea. The two 10 y.o.s Nana and Niels meet and fall in love. Teasing, jealousy and arguments, however, bring complications to their summer ...
Yes! I want to get the latest chemistry news from C&EN in my inbox every week. ACS values your privacy. By submitting your information, you are gaining access to C&EN and subscribing to our weekly ...
Australian director Adam Elliot ‘s stop-motion picture Memoir of a Snail has won the top Cristal prize for best feature at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. The movie gathers a ...