Minister of Public Works Dody Hanggodo claimed the amount of discount for toll fees during the Eid homecoming holiday is ...
„Við höfum vitað það síðan fyrir helgi að þessir flokkar sem eru við samningaborðið munu ekki vera með neinar tillögur tilbúnar á morgun, hvorki um málefnasamning né um hlutverk,“ segir Þórdís Lóa Þór ...
Paderborn-based Assemblean, a German deeptech startup, has secured €1.8M in a Seed funding round led by b2venture, with participation from Archimedes New Ventures and Teuto Seed Club business angels.
On Monday, Copenhagen-based Enduro Genetics, a synthetic biology startup, announced that it has raised €12M in a Series A funding round from Supernova Invest, NOON Ventures, and Sandwater. The new ...
Kröfur Kennarasambands Íslands um breytingar á tillögu ríkissáttasemjara gætu leitt til þess að samningar sigli endanlega í strand. Vísir/Vilhelm Samningafundi samtaka kennara með fulltrúum ríkis og ...
This means the shaking was felt by many people indoors. The tremors were also felt in other areas. In Banda Aceh, Kutacane, Sigli, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, Gayo Lues, Aceh Timur, Aceh Tengah, and even ...