The Nex Playground is marketed as a kid-friendly system with no violence, ads, in-app purchases, or talking to strangers.
Teachers say excessive screen time is causing poor sleep, declining grades and worsening mental health in children and teens.
Raising mentally strong kids isn’t about shielding them from every challenge — it’s about teaching them to handle challenges ...
When I think back, it wasn’t just academics that made me show up — it was the joy of being with friends, the thrill of free ...
Pediatricians say the safest temperature for kids to play in the cold is above 30 degrees, and they shouldn’t be out when ...
One difference is the continued improvement of the parentage of North Chicago Community High School students on track to ...
Vasbouragan Armenian School is in its 45th year of existence and has built a community that many people call a big family.
It is great for everyone to get outside daily but sometimes we are stuck inside, often due to stormy weather or extreme cold ...
A unique fundraiser challenging educators to try surströmming will help school purchase playground equipment for 3rd, 4th and ...
As the calendar flips, winter recess is just around the corner and soon kids will be enjoying their holiday break from school ...
Research shows that children who get more playtime overperform in academics. Why is Tennessee keeping kids from playing and ...