TNO is working on a groundbreaking solution: laser satellite communication, a technology that uses light waves instead of ...
As the data consumption of smart technologies skyrockets, the need for faster, more secure communication is greater than ever ...
An unhealthy lifestyle, mental health issues, or living in an unhealthy environment are common problems that are difficult to ...
At TNO we work with European partners towards enabling state-of-the-art technologies using the vast amounts of data being generated in the current age. We are seeing that in practice there is valuable ...
The future of our planet depends on innovative technologies which can introduce sustainable solutions to our world. Plastics have been under scrutiny despite their unique performance in packaging, ...
TNO has joined forces with three other institutions to accelerate progress in the fight against climate change. Every year, more than four million premature deaths occur because of air pollution. More ...
At TNO, we innovate for a healthier, safer and more sustainable life. And for a strong economy. Since 1932, we have been making knowledge and technology available for the common good. We find each ...
Society and industry are facing major challenges and transitions, and TNO is helping to tackle them. In our Early Research Programmes (ERPs), we build the knowledge needed for this work and lay the ...
After over a decade of competitive prototyping and knowledge development, the TNO design solution was adopted by ESO for the 39-meter E-ELT telescope consisting of almost 798 hexagonal segments each ...
As a scientist you will become part of the expertise cluster combustion and sustainable heat systems. You contribute to the development of modern options of high temperature heat delivery for ...
TNO delivered 5 laser launch telescopes with a thermally insensitive design, which have been in operation at the VLT since 2016. The laser launch telescope is the optical tube assembly (OTA) portion ...
Latica Pletikapić Exle werkt aan een veelbelovende oplossing: laser-satellietcommunicatie. Met haar team ontwikkelt ze ...