In December 2023, Magyezi extended the term of office for Local Council 1 and 2 and Women Councils, until early July 2024. Local Government Minister Raphael Magyezi in a notice in the Uganda ...
Uganda has commenced a diaspora mapping exercise to explore the potential of its overseas nationals to contribute to development, senior presidential advisor on diaspora affairs, Ambassador Abbey ...
Uganda has commenced a diaspora mapping exercise to explore the potential in its overseas nationals in a bid to contribute to development, the senior presidential advisor on diaspora affairs, Amb.
Parliament is on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, set to meet in a special session to reconsider the Appropriation Bill, 2024 that provides for the authorisation of public expenditure from the Consolidated ...
The territorial police in Rukiga district have arrested two suspects over the murder of 62-year-old Claudio Oworinawe, a resident of Kabimbiri cell, Kyerero parish, Bukinda sub-county in Rukiga ...