IDF earlier stressed the move to restore electricity to the desalination plant run by UNICEF has not yet been implemented ...
With determination and persistence we carry out the tasks and exhaust the other side,' IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi told ...
Kamala Harris, Biden's vice president whose name has been floated as a possible replacement, will also attend the meeting, ...
COGAT says the power line will provide electricity only to the UNICEF-run desalination plant in Khan Younis, preventing ...
Another member of the 8th Battalion was seriously wounded, while a separate incident in southern Gaza severely wounded ...
IDF responds to New York Times, vowing that it was committed to completeing all of the war goals outlined by the political ...
Geto killed after an IDF vehicle he was driving hit an explosive in the Nor A-Shams refugee camp near Tul Karem • In addition ...
Israeli forces are scanning the area near Nablus after an Israeli hiker was shot near the community of Har Bracha ...
Shin Bet blames National Security Council, while Prison Service blames Shin Bet and IDF for releasing terrorists ...
Dozens of terror targets were eliminated in the Gaza Strip in airstrikes, according to a statement by the Israel Defense ...
South Africa last December petitioned the international court to intervene over Israel's alleged genocide agasint ...
Former US president Donald Trump decries 'grossly incompetent' Biden after debate seen as a debacle for Biden, according to ...