This is true of each of us, of course. But the very power of the office of the presidency offers the unique opportunity to ...
Prior to Israel installing a king, the nation suffered from the opposite problem of general lawlessness. The Book of Judges ...
Why does this high level of immediate eschatological expectation continue when Jesus told us explicitly that we can’t know ...
Though he agreed with Gen Z activists’ call for political change and accountability, John Kimani William of Kingdom Seekers ...
爱德华兹在英国殖民时期的麻萨诸塞州传教,被誉为美国最重要的福音派神学家。他的几位弟子(包括他的一个儿子小乔纳森)因反对奴隶制的强烈立场而闻名,而他们的立场皆站立在爱德华兹的伦理著作上。然而,爱德华兹本人并没有充分认识到自己作品/思想中蕴含的反奴隶制的 ...
愛德華茲在英國殖民時期的麻薩諸塞州傳教,被譽為美國最重要的福音派神學家。他的幾位弟子(包括他的一個兒子小喬納森)因反對奴隸制的強烈立場而聞名,而他們的立場皆站立在愛德華茲的倫理著作上。然而,愛德華茲本人並沒有充分認識到自己作品/思想中蘊含的反奴隸制的 ...