Living paycheck to paycheck is the worst. And many times during this time period, you feel hopeless and that there is no end insight. Besides the hopelessness, you also are putting emotional stress on ...
Unfortunately, the education system in the United States tends to gloss over finances and other important money lessons. Although I have been out of high school for just over a decade (where did the ...
The author Tom Corley did a five-year-long study and surveyed wealthy individuals on their daily habits, and then compared them with lower-earning individuals. What he discovered and learned is that ...
As you begin building wealth and establishing an investment portfolio, you want to be very active in diversifying your investments as well. This is an essential process to help ensure your assets are ...
The financial planning process is important to understand as it can help you create efficient action items to better your money. This series of steps will be your go-to strategy that outlines how to ...
As surprising as it may be to you, some 1.7 billion adults worldwide still don’t have access to a bank account, according to data released by the World Bank. This is what you call being “unbanked.” ...
During the years I attended college, and shortly afterward, when I was about 21-22 years old, I was flat out broke. I was living in the middle of a big city all by myself and paying my bills on a ...
To really understand where your money is going, you’ll want to have specific budget categories that keep everything highly organized. These will help you be more detailed, without having to track ...
This better money habits guide is complete with everything you should start doing right now to set yourself up for financial success. Many of these suggestions can take time and might not be ...
Having an extreme consumer mentality can put your finances into some serious trouble. Whether that is excess consumer debt, spending more than you make, not having an emergency fund for unexpected ...
Saving money and finding ways to make your dollars stretch farther is not necessarily a bad thing by any means. After all, not everyone can live lavishly all the time or never worry about their ...
Just when you thought personal finance couldn’t get any more challenging, it can get a bit complicated when you start growing your family. Maybe you just have a spouse currently or you might also have ...