さらに授賞式の後、レポーターから「子どもたちが俳優になりたいと言ったらどうする?」と聞かれたブラッドは「彼らが18歳になったらその話をするよ」。子どもたちの将来に対する希望も語った。「子どもたちには幸せな瞬間、情熱の赴くままに自分の興味を持っているこ ...
In September, news broke that comedian Pete Davidson and Outer Banks star Madelyn Cline are an item, shortly after Davidson ...
Emma Watson has a new love in her life, and she met him at school. The former Harry Potter star, who has been studying ...
Lopez’s first marriage was to Cuban actor and producer Ojani Noa. At the time, he was waiting tables as well, and dabbling in ...
Actress Rashida Jones and musician Ezra Koenig have been quietly dating for almost a decade and even share a child together.
Natalie Portman recently separated from her husband Benjamin Millepied, with whom she shares two children. The former couple ...
Ben Affleck’s romantic life has been a huge subject of interest for fans, and it should be: He’s always managed to surprise ...
今週初めジュリアはTikTokを更新、あるTikTokユーザーが「レズビアンがボーイフレンドと一緒にいるのを見るのが好き」と語っている動画に反応した。そのユーザーが「この女性は、この人のことが嫌いなんだなって思う」と言っているのに対してジュリアは「そ ...
Zac Efron and Joey King have undeniable chemistry as co-stars and admitted their expectations were exceeded when they finally ...
先週ジェニーは自身のYouTubeチャンネルにイタリアのカプリ島で撮影した動画「A Moment in Capri with ...