Au palmarès de nos enseignes déco préférées pour faire de bonnes affaires en cette période, on peut citer - entre autres - ...
Ses produits de salle à manger comprennent la table à manger ovale HOVE en noyer, la table d'extérieur LORRAINE en gris, la table à manger en marbre de Carrare CHUNGHA avec structure en noyer ...
When it comes to chic minimal design, there's no brand that does it quite like IKEA. This summer, the Swedish king of ...
IKEA furniture is incredibly versatile and there are a number of great hacks that will help you create new or repurposed items from the things they sell. If you're looking for an easy and inexpensive ...
The online community of interior design lovers have definitely caught wind of this style and are pushing it forward with a ...
Yep, ten lucky people will soon be hired by IKEA to run a virtual shop selling virtual Tillslag trestle tables, and if you're over 18, you could be one of them. Don't worry, you will be paid for ...
Ikea was facing soaring employee turnover rates coming out of the pandemic. Executives at the Swedish furniture company set about trying to keep employees happy enough to stay. The company bumped ...
La Société des 33 organise, vendredi, la deuxième édition des Tables gourmandes à Talant. « Le beau temps sera au rendez-vous », assure le président qui espère plus de cinq cents ...
LAFAYETTE, La. — The concept of the French Table seems simple. "At this restaurant, on this day for lunch, this table is the French Table. You come eat your lunch while you're on lunch break ...