Elon Musk has rampaged across the federal bureaucracy to President Trump's cheers. But if disaster strikes, it could blow up ...
The third source of inefficiency in government is the absence of a profit to measure success. Government measures of success, ...
AI ethics tussling with the doctrine of double effect, which arises within the famous Trolley Problem and pertains directly ...
The Marcos administration is popping the champagne over the country’s exit from the gray list of the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force.
Long-term care in the United States is government-controlled, welfare-financed, centrally-planned and highly dysfunctional. Means-tested Medicaid funds ...
The co-founder of Apple empire, Steve Jobs, according to his biographer Walter Isaacson, is reported to have been chanting ...
“Good part” here refers to the good manner in which something unpleasant is taken, be it criticism or ridicule. In other ...
June 12, 1993 marked a significant setback for Nigeria, harking back to the January 15, 1966, coup-d 39;etat .
The rise of Airbnbs and an influx of tourists are creating a perfect storm with some fearing mountain towns are now at a tipping point ...
The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 award-winning animated film based on the Book of Exodus in the Bible. Set in ancient Egypt, the ...
Democrats are raising an alarm about what they call a “constitutional crisis.” If there is one, they should know because they ...
In an exclusive extract from her new book, Minority Rule, Ash Sarkar explains how Israel’s advocates weaponised the lived experience of Jewish people to obscure a genocidal war in Gaza.