Professor Przemek Grabowicz and a team of UMass Amherst researchers found that possible troll farm votes made Trump appear ...
Vance placed qualifications on his willingness to accept the results of the 2024 election in another May interview with CNN’s ...
Informal political polls conducted on X/Twitter during both the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections were significantly ...
There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, despite countless audits, investigations and examinations of the 2020 ...
A research team discovered that pre-election polls contained approximately 50% more dubious votes compared to post-election ...
Cyber Ninjas' former CEO Doug Logan accused Arizona lawmakers of refusing to help him comply with court orders to produce ...
Swing states have seen a marked decline in affordability since 2020, with median-income buyers able to afford just one third ...
Pennsylvania's top elections official gave Franklin County's elections team a good review following a meeting last week in ...
Donald Trump has chosen Sen. JD Vance to be his vice presidential pick, an Ohio senator who opposes abortion and aid for ...
Questionable voting, including vote purchasing, rife on X/Twitter, contributed to inaccurate impression of Trump’s electoral ...
The gap between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump on immigration has narrowed as voters express concern about the border.
One of the most memorable—and lamentable—outcomes from the November 2020 election was the widespread belief that it had been stolen. Unfounded conspiracy theories spread quicker than COVID-19 at the ...