But what about the 7070 from 1958? It had transistors! It didn’t, however, use binary. Instead, it was a decimal-architecture machine. You can see a lost video of the machine below. It was ...
Canon is set to expand its RF-mount lens line up with three new 'hybrid' lenses for its mirrorless cameras. In a teaser, the camera giant posted a picture (above) of its two existing hybrid lenses ...
Dell is debuting a new ‘zero-footprint’ form factor in the OptiPlex desktop line with the launch of the OptiPlex 7070 Ultra. Dell Technologies Tuesday unveiled a new breed of all-in-one PC for ...
It has more of the raw camera feel we're used to getting from the company's higher-end line, like the C-7070, yet it's still small and light. Now, it's not exactly pocketable, but it's about as ...
With the OptiPlex 7070 Ultra, Dell is looking to take the concept much further, and we think the results are commendable even though there’s room for further advances in a few areas. The ...