Teeth whitening strips can be an excellent approach to brightening your smile if used carefully and moderately. By following ...
How does one of the best golf swings in the game get that way? Little by little. Aberg comes into the 2024 Open Championship ...
Dentists claim that using your toothbrush straight after breakfast could destroy the enamel on your teeth. So what other ...
Dentists have a tip for keeping your teeth in better shape — but you might not like the sound of it. Deciding not to rinse ...
A dental expert has shared views about such practices, cautioning people about using mouthwash after brushing their teeth.
Brushing your teeth with your less dominant hand can have a huge impact on brain health, experts claim, and can even banish ...
When you brush your teeth, you're cleaning any film and bacteria from food and sugary drinks. When you go a step further and ...
Discover the shocking truth about how to banish yellow spots on teeth and achieve a dazzlingly bright smile! From ancient ...
A dentist in Australia has shared the worst cases of gum disease and tooth decay he's ever seen on patients - and it's not ...
Changing your habits is hard, but not impossible. The key is to change the context in which your bad habits occur. Here are ...
Electric toothbrushes take the manual labor out of brushing your teeth. There’s a real chance you might not be using one ...