When Ngarauru Mako told her family she was calling off Christmas festivities in favor of celebrating Matariki, the Māori new ...
Yunusa Bawa spends a lot of time talking about the vaccine for the human papillomavirus that is responsible for nearly all ...
Seen from the air, they ripple across the landscape — a river of antelope racing across the vast grasslands of South Sudan in ...
Ana Ruiz was dismayed seeing migrants from some countries released in the United States with orders to appear in immigration ...
American forces destroyed seven drones and a control station vehicle in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen over the past 24 ...
It's not just a book. Back in the 1450s, when the Bible became the first major work printed in Europe with moveable metal ...
A Ukrainian drone attack on a house in a Russian border village killed five people, including two children, the regional ...
Children in sandals trudge through water contaminated with sewage and scale growing mounds of garbage in Gaza's crowded tent ...
Top Chinese leaders will gather in Beijing next month for a key political meeting that will likely reveal details of China's ...
The number of days reaching a sizzling 35 degrees Celsius in 20 of the world's largest capitals -- from Delhi to Jakarta to ...
As Beijing weaves its web of roads and railways through Southeast Asia, a massive Chinese-financed infrastructure project in ...
At least nine people, including three children, were killed after heavy monsoon rains in west Nepal triggered landslides, an ...