espite the current downturn in the wine industry, Indonesian group Vasanta forged ahead with its decision to invest in the 30-hectare Château de Grissac in AOC Côtes de Bourg in February 2022, marking ...
hampagne has its Veuve Cliquot, Burgundy its Veuve Ambal, and the Loire its Veuve Amiot. The venerable, but low-profile lady is this year celebrating her 140 summers. The story began near Saumur, in ...
he wine tourism network of the Cité des Climats et Vins de Bourgogne has just celebrated its first anniversary with positive results. Over a 12-month period, nearly 80,000 visitors toured one of the ...
fter leaving Champagne, Guillaume Hagnier and Marie Devigne settled into Sarzeau on the Rhuys peninsula in Brittany. Here, the winegrowing couple are in the process of replanting 2.5 hectares of ...
minor revolution is in the making in Champagne. Next October, ‘Essentielle’, a plastic-free foil made of aluminium and paper will be available from the capsule division of Australian group Amcor.
This circular Bordeaux square, which acts as a linchpin between the Allées de Tourny, Rue Fondaudège, Cours Clémenceau and Verdun, is an architectural showcase whose focal point is a statue of the ...
The French Wooden Box Alliance laments the fact that wooden boxes are unfairly perceived as being less planet-friendly than cardboard boxes, when in fact “they have never been so relevant!” - crédit ...
4 July 2015, the date the hills, houses and cellars of Champagne were listed by Unesco, did not mark the end of a journey”, stresses winegrower Séverine Couvreur who chairs the Unesco listing Mission.
n June 12, the European Commission announced the provisional findings of its enquiry into electric vehicles produced in China: they “benefit from unfair subsidisation, which is causing a threat of ...
20 candidats à la députation ont accepté l'invitation des syndicats agricoles et viticoles héraultais pour exposer leurs ...
A Urville, dans l’Aube, 3000 personnes vont venir faire la fête sur le domaine viticole des champagnes Devitry. Ce qui ...
Des symptômes de mildiou ont localement été observés sur plusieurs variétés résistantes plantées dans le Gard et le Vaucluse.