A Christian lawmaker has sought the federal government’s intervention to secure the release of a Protestant bishop, a Catholic priest, and 20 others jailed for more than a month in a central Indian ...
A global rights body has urged the European Union (EU) to reconsider its bilateral rights dialogue with Vietnam and adopt more effective measures to address the intensifying repression in the ...
Okinawa's history is marked by resilience and resistance, and it holds a significant place in modern history, especially due to the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. This battle, one of the bloodiest in the ...
Marking the centenary of the first national meeting of bishops in China, an international symposium in Macau gathered scholars and historians from China, the United States, and Europe to reflect on ...
As the commission discerning whether Father Marko Rupnik's mosaics stay or go from the facade of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in the French sanctuary of Lourdes completed its work, no ...
St. Mary's Cathedral in Linz made headlines around the world as a controversial sculpture of Mary displayed inside the church was beheaded July 1 by unknown vandals. The sculpture, depicting the ...
The Malaysian government has consistently claimed that it will not tolerate any discussion in the public domain that touches on the 3Rs (race, religion and royalty). However, the government’s track ...
Filipino civil society groups have called on the government to release some 90 elderly prisoners who have been languishing in jails after being convicted of alleged political charges. The groups made ...
The rebelling priests in the Eastern rite Syro Malabar Church have agreed to celebrate the synod-approved Mass from July 3 onward, ending a protracted liturgy dispute in the Church based in southern ...
Malaysia’s Diocese of Penang is seeking canonization of Sybil Kathigasu, a nurse who endured severe torture for providing medical care, shelter, and intelligence to anti-Japanese forces in the British ...
Donations to the annual Peter's Pence collection, which supports the work of the Roman Curia and funds the charitable activity of the pope, went up in 2023, with increased donations from dioceses, ...
Japan's top court ruled on July 3 that a defunct eugenics law under which thousands of people were forcibly sterilized between 1948 and 1996 was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court also declared that ...