Antarctic marine worms survive with a little help from their bacterial friends. Close relatives of earthworms, polychaetes are some of the most common animals on the ocean floor, but how these ...
A controversial idea drawing on findings from the animal kingdom suggests there’s more to human stature than genetics and nutrition.
In her memoir, journalist Sadie Dingfelder draws on her own experiences to highlight the astonishing diversity of people’s inner lives.
Three public health experts weigh in on the U.S. surgeon general’s ground-breaking call to label shootings a health problem.
Flooding from a similar earthquake today could threaten about 170 million people in India and Bangladesh who live in low-lying regions nearby.
The last population of woolly mammoths did not go extinct 4,000 years ago from inbreeding, a new analysis shows.
Years of hunching over, chewing pens and gripping brushes left the skeletons of Egyptian scribes with telltale marks of arthritis and other damage.
Well-preserved fossils from Morocco help paleontologists understand the weird way trilobites ate and perhaps why these iconic animals went extinct.
Supermassive black holes at the hearts of active galaxies may be churning out a lot of the universe’s high-energy neutrinos. “I would say that they can be the major contributor,” says astronomer ...
A “kugelblitz” is a black hole made of concentrated electromagnetic energy. But it’s not possible to make one, according to new calculations.
When you’re a journalist, potential sources are everywhere, even at a medical appointment. When I had my annual mammogram in May, radiologist Pouneh Razavi said all looked well. Then she said: “And we ...