A collapse in support for the centre-right camp of President Emmanuel Macron, a stronger leftwing alliance and a potentially ...
With just days to go before the first round of voting in France's Parliamentary elections, there is a real danger that ...
Cent ans après l’assassinat qui a marqué la bascule du pays dans le fascisme, l’extrême droite italienne a tenté de récupérer ...
Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National has pledged to boost spending power, slash immigration and restore law and order.
FranceFrance's lightning-quick election campaign is over, and despite last-ditch appeals not to back the far right, voters appear ready to hand the National Rally party a historic victory in ...
Rebuke for breaking European Union rules that require strict financial discipline comes two weeks before French voters head ...
She appeared in European masterpieces such as Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita and A Man and A Woman by Claude Lelouch.
Having called a snap election, the French president quickly nailed his colours to the mast. The far-right Rassemblement ...
Installée dans la ville depuis 176 ans, la chocolaterie est menacée de démantèlement par son actionnaire, le fonds ...
En cas de cohabitation avec l’extrême droite, qui aura la main sur la politique de défense et la diplomatie ? L’historien ...
Pro-Kremlin online networks led a disinformation campaign in support of the chairman of the French far-right Rassemblement ...
Placé en garde à vue pour un tag « Bardella meurt », le 10 juin, un homme de 31 ans dénonce des injures de la part des ...