Intense clashes occurred in three residential wards of northern Shan State’s capital Lashio on Saturday after the Brotherhood Alliance and its allies captured the headquarters of a Myanmar junta ...
Also this week, ruling generals handed fat pensions, Mandalay fortified, commander sacked over monk slaying, banks fined, and rice crisis deepened.
Thousands of residents fled the capital of northern Shan on Friday morning after the ethnic armies encircling it continued ...
The defectors said they joined the Myanmar army as teenagers or in their early 20s. All but one was motivated by refuge from ...
Displaced residents trying to reach Mandalay city are trapped outside Madaya as anti-regime forces advance south.
Australian economist Sean Turnell said the regime and its crony bankers were trying to prevent the publication of his ...
Riding the country’s railways in 2016, author Clare Hammond uncovered a unique history of authoritarianism in Myanmar, in all ...
As of Thursday, the protest had spread to 19 other townships, including Sagaing’s Depayin, Salingyi, Taze, Kani and Ye-U, ...
The regime has heavily reinforced Madaya Township, adjacent to Patheingyi Township and east of Mandalay. Mandalay People’s ...
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners says Sagaing Region and Rakhine State suffered the most civilian deaths during the first half of 2024.
Arakan Army (AA) troops have entered Maungdaw town in Rakhine State after seizing all junta positions including border guard ...
The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and Ta'ang National Liberation Army have reportedly encircled the Northeastern ...