The UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education produced a seminal report ‘Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education’ in 2021. The report highlighted the ...
The recruitment process can vary depending on the position. The process associated with tenure track positions is described here. Equality and public nature of recruitment The University of Helsinki ...
Temples in the Southern Levant during the Persian Empire (c. 539–331 BCE) provide a vital, underutilized historical vista for such questions. Persian involvement with labor taxation, forced labor, and ...
The group study facilities can only be reserved by the students and staff of the University of Helsinki. All the Helsinki University Library sites and both learning centres have group study facilities ...
Researcher facilities in Kaisa House are available for booking by researchers and teachers of the University of Helsinki. Room 6034 on the sixth floor of Kaisa House accommodates one to four people.
The CoastClim outreach event for the stakeholders was held at the University of Helsinki main building. The researchers of Stockholm university and University of Helsinki presented their results to ...
Kivikausi ja esihistoria on ajallisesta kaukaisuudestaan huolimatta aina nähty nykyhetken yhteiskunnallisista keskusteluista käsin. Me rakennamme omaa ja kansallista minuuttamme menneisyyden ...
If you want to take part, please send an email to a) if you wish to participate onsite and b) if you have any allergies. The HEPP research group will introduce the ...
Hampaiden kiinnityskudostulehdus eli parodontiitti suurentaa merkittävästi aivoinfarktin riskiä alle 50-vuotiailla, joilla ei ole tunnettua aivoinfarktille altistavaa syytä. Aivoinfarkti oli sitä ...
Finland's largest sustainability research and innovation event brought together over 1,500 experts from over a hundred different countries. The event was organized at the University of Helsinki and ...
A recently completed study demonstrates that mental disorders may be transmitted between individuals within social networks. The finding was the most evident in the case of mood, anxiety and eating ...
Associate Professor Linda Mannila holds the first Swedish-language professorship in computer science at the University of Helsinki. The professorship focuses particularly on the societal impact of ...