British jeweler ...
A brief history of the Restauration Published from original letters, and other royal autho… Person of honour.
Scelta di sonetti e canzoni de' più eccellenti rimatori d'ogni secolo Rime d'alcuni illust… ...
Memoirs of the court of England. In two parts. By the Countess of Dunois, ... Now made Eng… ...
The Brontë birthday containing extracts for every day in the year from the works of thr si… ...
A physician taking the pulse of a woman who sits in bed, in the presence of two other figu… ...
Fowler's Mosiac pavements, &c., by Ludovic, earl of Crawford and Balcarres ...
The Storm: a memorial book to Herwarth Walden and the artists from the Storm Circle ...
Nicomaque of Gerase (01. -01.). Author of the text; Theon of Alexandria (0335? -0405?). Author of the text ...
Sir Charles Scarburgh. Stipple engraving by J. Brown after G. P. Harding after R. Greenbur… ...
VIVAT oder so genannte künstliche UNORDNUNG.
La Camilla, opera molto dilettevole da intendere, nella quale si contengono sonetti, ottav… ...