As Israel’s war threatens to escalate, and US belligerence against China continues, a multi-polar world is becoming ...
A day after the election, dust has settled and there is now time for some reflection on the election result in Preston, ...
As the French people head to the polls in the second round of the election, socialist, writer and supporter of La France ...
Lindsey German on the end of Tory rule, Palestine on the ballot and Labour's castle built on sand First the good news.
Counterfire members report from their localities on the election results and what they indicate for the next tasks for the ...
Ahead of the second round of the French general election on Sunday 7 July, John Mullenexplains how the left can work to block ...
Steel production is economically essential, including for renewable infrastructure, but the unions must adopt a fighting ...
Fourth July, Independents Day, General Election Day – and Preston’s Palestine Day. Can we make history? Can we give it one ...
A secretive Toronto police unit is targeting activists by accusing them of anti-Semitism, in a strategy with long precedent ...
Lindsey German provides an analysis of the General Election results and priorities for the left going forward.
Lindsey German on incipient fascism and how it should be dealt with The big news today is the election results in France, ...
Lindsey German on mainstream malaise and why activity is still the key This has been the worst election campaign I have ever ...