MARS — Two samples from Mars together deliver the “smoking gun” in a new study showing the origin of Martian organic material. The study presents solid evidence for a prediction made over a decade ago ...
Researchers have found that men who are losing their Y chromosomes are at a much higher risk of dying from heart disease.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revealed ancient galaxies that seem impossibly mature for their age.
SAN FRANCISCO — Have you ever wondered why losing weight or maintaining a healthy body weight can be such a challenge? A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation may hold some ...
Few topics are more debated in health than the value of the humble bathroom scale. Some experts advocate daily self-weigh-ins to promote accountability for weight management, particularly when we’re ...
HELSINKI, Finland — Bringing home a new puppy is often seen as a joyous occasion, but for many new dog owners, it can also trigger an unexpected emotional rollercoaster. A groundbreaking new study is ...
It’s almost the Fourth of July – a day of parades, barbecue, and, of course, fireworks. But while parades and barbecues are still very popular, shockingly, this year fireworks are less so. Imports of ...
In humankind’s ever-ticking pursuit of perfection, scientists have developed an atomic clock that is more precise and accurate than any clock previously created. The new clock was built by researchers ...
LEEDS, England — The reality of the climate impact of long-distance passenger travel has been revealed in new research from the University of Leeds. Despite only accounting for less than 3% of all ...
In the late 1800s, the medical community first reported the health effects of low-to-very-low carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets, which allowed unlimited consumption of fats and proteins and unrestricted ...
It’s been a common belief that it’s a bad idea to eat before bed, mostly because it’ll make you gain weight. The reality is that it isn’t that simple, and the thinking behind this theory is actually ...
AARHUS, Denmark — Imagine a world where elephants roamed across Europe, giant ground sloths lumbered through the Americas, and car-sized armadillos burrowed in South American grasslands. This wasn’t ...