Trust built on decades of respect for religion has fertilized the seeds of success for two communities, one Muslim the other ...
Resources are desperately needed to ramp up aid supplies for Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in West Africa, which is ...
The health system in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince is “on the brink” and “crippled by escalating violence” according to ...
With just six years remaining to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), global progress is alarmingly insufficient, ...
On Friday, at the UN Human Rights Council's (OHCHR) first panel for the annual full-day discussion on women's rights, The UN ...
Any relationship that any country has with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), including Russia, “must entirely ...
Over and above the difficulty of actually getting into Gaza, aid teams now face the crushing realization that with a shortage ...
The risk of widespread famine in Sudan caused by war there was confirmed on Thursday by leading hunger experts who warned ...
In a landmark art project for the Austrian capital Vienna, the UN building there has become a giant canvas representing the ...
Victims of people-trafficking need more countries to respect international law and protect them, but thousands continue to ...
The UN Security Council on Thursday demanded that Houthi rebels in Yemen immediately cease all attacks against merchant and ...
The release of Julian Assange “is a very good outcome” to the long-running case, the UN independent expert on torture said on ...