Estonian champions Flora Tallinn's exit from the 2024/25 Champions League was confirmed on Tuesday after the side lost 1-2 ...
The Estonian Human Rights Center (Inimõiguste keskus) has turned to the Supreme Court over a fine issued to a protestor ...
Support for opposition party Isamaa has risen slightly over the past week, while support for the Conservative People's Party ...
Finnish bands Sagastrophe and Pulkka will both perform live on Tartu's Car-free Avenue (Autovabaduse puiestee).
Tallinn Airport is constructing additional aircraft hangars which will be leased to aircraft maintenance company Magnetic MRO ...
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania's electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) on Tuesday sent a notice of their intention ...
In a recent appearance on Vikerraadio's "Vikerhommik," cultural historian and folklorist Marju Kõivupuu acknowledged that ...
In an appearance on Raadio 2's "R2 päevas" on Tuesday, Health Board chief specialist Maria Vikentjeva refuted claims that ...
An extra tram line will be built in the capital by 2026 to the airport to increase movement between Tallinn city center and ...
In a trend poised to most benefit Estonia's rural regions, transforming school and kindergarten buildings into modern, ...
German defense and artificial intelligence (AI) company Helsing plans to open a branch in Estonia and invest €70 million in ...
Last Friday, July 12, painters Anisa and Talia opened "Blossom and bosom," a joint exhibition, at Sepikoja Gallery in Tallinn ...