How much trust should we put in our memories? New research shows we have a good awareness of when we are recalling events ...
Our bodies are inhabited by trillions of microorganisms, with specific microbes unique to each individual. Through ...
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have developed an AI model that increases the potential for detecting cancer ...
The genetic risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is more strongly influenced by the mother's side than the father's side, a ...
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a highly effective and long-lasting form of birth control placed in the uterus. Research ...
A study performed in mice has uncovered a potential new tool to combat the escalating issue of childhood obesity. The ...
Findings from a new mouse study suggest that elenolic acid, a natural compound found in olives, can lower blood sugar levels ...
People with higher intakes of calcium and zinc in the three months before they conceived were significantly less likely to ...
In a survey of low-income adults across Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Texas, one in eight respondents who were enrolled ...
So-called cannabis clubs will be allowed to sell the drug legally in Germany starting Monday, but in practice it will be some ...
Osteoarthritis (OA) represents the most prevalent form of chronic degenerative joint disease worldwide. The dynamic interplay ...
A new pill that slowly releases ketamine could treat people with severe depression without giving them the psychedelic side ...