Areas in southern Brazil recorded subzero temperatures Sunday as a strong and broad mass of polar air hit the States of ...
General Zúñiga said the whole deployment was to boost Arce's image given Bolivia's current crisis Bolivian President Luis ...
As the internal elections for Uruguay’s major political parties approach next Sunday, the consulting firm Opción Consultores ...
The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has announced an increase in draft and daily transits, with the authorized draft raised by ...
The foodstuff industry accounted for the largest number of jobs (22.8%) in South America's largest country, according to a ...
By Gwynne Dyer - Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is a free man at last after spending almost all of the past 14 ...
Argentina's Lower House passed after 1.30 am Friday by 147 votes to 107 and 2 abstentions the so-called Bases Law bill ...
You will never find yourself bored with nothing to do if you have your trusted smartphone with you. There are an endless ...
A total of 21 people both military or civilians have been arrested so far in connection with Wednesday's failed coup d'état ...
Mark Adams Prieto, a 58-year-old resident of Prescott, Arizona, was arrested last month on federal charges related to an alleged plot to carry out a mass shooting at a Puerto Rican rapper Bad ...
The 54th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) concluded Friday in the Paraguayan capital with the ...
The economy in South America's largest country is taking a shaky turn as Friday's figures would indicate. The exchange rate ...