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Scott Wilkie, Global Lead, Emerging Technology Security, Accenture, Maria Milosavljevic, Group Chief Information Security Officer, ANZ, Banking Group, Jennnifer Tiang, Regional Head of Cyber Practice
Night-sky admirers are in for a treat as the end of the month brings with it a super blue moon. While the blue moon phenomenon inspired the phrase "once in a blue moon,"
A kinkajou discovered abandoned at a rest stop in central Washington is now being cared for at Tacoma's Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. The young kinkajou, a nocturnal rainforest mammal, was found at
A giant tipping potato bucket called Tippin’ Tater that contains 750 gallons of water. A grumpy ram lifeguard keeping an eye on everyone. Two baby bears sliding down a log. Blue birds on a diving
And now there are eight. The Columbia Tribune logged more than 800 votes from a 16-spot bracket Tuesday to choose the city's best burger. Voting knocked out half of competitors suggested
A collection of gowns, accessories, and keepsakes belonging to Diana, Princess of Wales, is set to go under the hammer.The auction is billed as the most extensive collection of Diana’s personal
A Florida sheriff's office has brought on a new member of the K9 unit to help sniff out and detect vapes in schools. Lake County Sheriff's Office announced Monday that a 1½-year-old
Sci-fi novels reflect cultural anxieties through themes like climate crisis and AI, shaking readers to their core.
The organs of a 14-year-old boy struck by a car while riding his bicycle will help others live.One day after his 8th grade graduation, Vincent Pieczynski was hit
A kitten with a huge heart and no eyes in Ohio has found a loving home she can spread her boundless joy to. Her name is Stern, and the blind, 13-week-old tabby was born with no eyes, Jefferson County
Its still unknown who will play James Bond for the franchises new era, but finding a compelling Bond villain could be equally important.
A British company has brought the DeLorean DMC-12 back to the future by making it electric. Electrogenic has revealed a 'plug-and-play' conversion kit for the iconic motor, replacing the infamous V6
The Toronto Zoo announced the birth of two "rare" Red Pandas and provided an update on how the babies are doing and how their mama is settling into her new routine.On June 22, 2024, the Toronto Zoo
Movies not only provide entertainment but also serve as sources of inspiration and positive perspective, capable of changing one's mood in a matter of minutes. Here, check out the 20 films that will
In a river of southern China, a “spiny” creature swam through the water with its “numerous” pointy teeth, ready for its next meal. But something caught the scaly animal and hauled it to the surface.
A perplexed dog owner has taken to social media to share her confusion after discovering a chewed-up marker pen, but the guilty culprit doesn't seem to be too far away.The hilarious clip, shared on
In 2024, June 20 marks the summer solstice, the first official day of astronomical summer.“Solstice” means the sun has gotten as high in the sky as it’s going to get for the year; on Thursday, that
Talk about a leg up. Researchers say that taking a popular obesity medication and exercising regularly can lead to weight loss — and bone health is still maintained. Bone loss typically accompanies
A local group of athletes will represent North Carolina this summer on the national stage at the Special Olympics North American Games. The Wake

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