Kangaroo meat is one of the healthiest meats, being very lean. It tastes a lot like beef, but it has a higher protein and iron content. It also has fewer calories and is a good source of omega-3.
And to boosting the rural economy. A government-sanctioned industry, based on the commercial harvest of kangaroo meat and hides, exported $29 million in products in 2017 and supports about 4,000 jobs.
Every year, Australian state governments set quotas authorizing the killing of about 5 million wild kangaroos by the commercial kangaroo industry. Their flesh is sold globally as pet food and exotic ...
Aboriginal and European Australians have spent centuries clearing open tracts of land and establishing water sources—both of which are boons to kangaroo ... their skins and meat, which is ...
It maintains kangaroo harvesting in Australia is done sustainably. Australia exports 4,000 tonnes of kangaroo meat annually to Europe, and other countries, such as Papua New Guinea, Vietnam and ...