They work by lowering "bad" cholesterol and, by doing so, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. The drugs can be prescribed at different strengths, categorized as low-dose, moderate-dose ...
were the most common causes of prior statin intolerance, but 72.5% (37/51) of patients were able to tolerate the EOD therapy (mean dose 5.6 mg) regimen for 4 ± 2.9 (mean ± SD) months.
Studies have shown that statins are especially effective for people who already have heart disease or are at high risk of ...
In some cases, doctors may adjust your dosage from those shown here. Purpose Dosage reducing LDL cholesterol in adults with high cholesterol 140 mg once every 2 weeks or 420 mg once every month ...
and 4 were able to tolerate the same statin (1 at a lower dose and another after the discontinuation of an interacting medication possibly responsible for the primary occurrence of myalgia).
Other groups are patients who have known heart disease and are on high dose statins and still can’t get their cholesterol down low enough. Other patients can’t tolerate statins. They can get ...
Statins, a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, have no effect on kidney function, a research team led by the University of ...