As a result, ROS from overactive mitochondria are frequently cited as a source of DNA damage. Despite this longstanding belief, few studies have explicitly demonstrated this linkage. Tobias Dansen, a ...
elegans antioxidant gene in either mitochondria or cytoplasm, thereby boosting ROS levels. “ROS are neither good nor bad. They have functional roles in the cell and it appears that it is crucial to ...
In all cell lines tested, including human, transfer of mutant mtDNA associated with ROS overproduction significantly increased metastatic potential, so the possibility of ROS scavengers as ...
The other approach analyzes mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA. Because mtDNA tends to survive long after nuclear DNA has disintegrated, this approach is useful in identifying the remains of persons who ...
paradoxically induces further damage by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS). These oxidative molecules attack mtDNA, causing strand breaks, mutations, and transcriptional suppression.
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