Along with opening the 26-acre property where hundreds of elk can often be seen, a traffic signal was installed along U.S. 34 at Glade Road.
The Minnesota DNR completed its annual aerial elk population survey over the winter in northwest Minnesota, in Kittson, ...
Shed hunters are often big game hunters themselves, and responsible ones recognize that not pressuring deer and elk in winter is not only the respectful thing to do, it also increases that herd’s ...
New detection at the Horse Creek Feedground, which has already struggled with disease, suggests that the new epidemic is ...
From the peaks of the Lost Creek Wilderness, more than 2,000 elk migrate annually down to South Park near the towns of Fairplay and Jefferson for the winter. These herds have been traveling these ...
Onslaught of infections suggests that feeding operations are exacerbating the spread of a deadly prion disease that’s making ...
Motorists should be aware of a herd of elk occupying open fields north of Chubbuck and Pocatello near New Day Parkway.
A brucellosis infection can be costly to cattle herds, and that's why Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) each winter ...